2019 Poetry Slam: Climate Action for Peace

The Third Annual Poetry Slam for Peace, the signature GFLP event leading up to the United Nations International Day of Peace, was held at Chan Space on September 19, 2019. 


The 2019 Poetry Slam for Peace, Climate Action for Peace, was produced by GFLP and the Nuyorican Poet’s Cafe. It was co-sponsored by the Museum of World Religions, the NGO Committee on Sustainable Development-NY and UNITY EARTH. The goal for the 2019 Poetry Slam for Peace was for poets from different traditions to share their own, personal understandings of peace and how it relates to climate action. They addressed topics such as what peace means to them, how peace is essential for addressing climate change, and ways to promote inclusion and equity.

This Poetry Slam reitereated the importance of not only being at peace with those around you, but also with the Earth. We must stand in solidarity with one another to end to abuse and exploitation of our natural resources.