Love Earth Love Peace

Welcome to Global Family for Love and Peace

Global Family for Love and Peace Events

Did You Know?

here on earth did you know

Here On Earth started during the dark days of lockdown in the fall of 2020. Longing to feel more hopeful and make connections with friends far away, a group of filmmakers and educators from three different countries organized an online international film class providing media skills with a focus on water and cross-cultural collaboration to teenagers in Taiwan, London and New York City.

budist muslim dialogue did you know

Did you know that the first Budist-Muslim dialogue happened March 7 2002.
People from different religions start to have a dialogue about issues such as women in Islam, the concept of "God," and "unlimited authority" in Islam and Buddhism.

museum of world religions did you know

Did you know that the Museum of World Religions was founded by Master Hsin Tao, he was left orphaned and impoverished at an early age. Having been taken in by the remnants of ROC military units operating along the border of Yunnan, China, he was brought to Taiwan in 1961. At the age of 15, he was deeply moved by the compassion of Guanyin Bodhisattva (Avalokiteśvara) and resolved to seek the supreme truth and to bring relief to all who suffer.

planet earth did you know

Did you know that there is A university just for planet Earth The University for Life and Peace is a higher learning institute designated for the wellbeing of Earth and its inhabitants. This institute endeavors to bring awareness to the entity of interdependence - interdependent diversity. To take that belief into practicality, academic programs will aim at sustainability and the restoration of a healthy planet.

Action, Education, & Collaborations

Action Education Here on Earth

Here on Earth

Action Education Poetry Slam

Poetry Slam for Peace

Action Education Chan Space

Chan Space New York

Action Education UN

United Nations Climate Change Conference

Action Education Museum

Museum of World Religions

Action Education University LP

University for Life and Peace

Create Impact