Poetry Slam For Peace - Producers Team

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Laurence Singer is the creator and executive producer of the Poetry Slam for Peace. Founding Volunteer Lawyer for the Arts in Washington D.C. many years ago led to understanding the crucial role creative communities play in this transformative time. Laurence has decades of experience in the arts and in the entertainment and media industries, founding and managing record companies, and in roles of executive producer, producer, creative director, and packaging entertainment projects, with extensive experience as an arts, entertainment and intellectual property lawyer. He is the founder of Rhythms of the Globe. (www.rhythmsoftheglobe.com).

Makis Moulos is a trilingual writer, poet, spoken word artist, film editor, and video producer based in Barcelona. He writes and performs in Spanish, English and Greek. He has published 5 poetry anthologies and texts have been included in book collaborations in Spain, Greece, Germany, and the US. He is the organizer and founder of Poetry Slam in English in Barcelona, Poetry Slam Gr in Athens, and Duende Sessions Festival in Barcelona.

Makis is a founding member of the World Poetry Slam Organization, co-organized the European Poetry Slam Championship in 2021, and coordinated the World Poetry Slam Championship 2022 in Brussels along with Philip Meersman, who is his mentor, and the founder of the EU Poetry Slam Championships. He has access to many of the poetry slam organizations around the world.

The Poetry Slam for Peace is a presentation of Global Family for Love and Peace (www.gflp.org). Global Family for Love and Peace is founded by Dharma Master Hsin Tao and is a 501(c)(3) organization in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council.